Thursday 6 August 2015

Baby update

Still a baby 😉

So last night we had wide awake restless baby again at midnight. I managed a couple of hours before waking Tom and asking him to take over for a bit just so I could grab 20mins nap.

Instead, what he did was soothe him off to sleep and sit holding him for 3 hours as he wanted to make sure I got a good rest and couldn't guarantee he would stay asleep if he put him down. Husband of the year award goes to... He then fed well and went back down well, we then went back to bed until gone 8! Not something we can do when Tom is back in the office!

I've also been feeding well! I thought I would weigh myself this morning. I am 149.6lbs, so only 9lbs off my pre preggo weight. I'm liking this diet.

We are getting brave

Yesterday we ventured out for lunch with a couple we met through NCT. They were the only couple, other than us, that went overdue and we were 4 days apart in the end. That was really nice to get out, meet their new arrival and see there is a bit of life beyond baby.

We attended a breastfeeding clinic this afternoon with some of the other NCT girls. It's just an informal get together and you ask questions when you like and talk to mothers with older babies and they let you know you can make it through.

Looking at signing up to a load more classes, Leo is going to have a busier social calendar than I ever have!

We currently have Baby sign, Baby yoga, Baby massage on the radar and would quite like to sign up for swimming.

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